Attached to his family roots in Corbières as much as to the life lessons he learned from rugby, Gérard Bertrand has built a wine empire out of intangible economic convictions, ambition for his region and a good dose of brilliant intuition.
EMOTIONS are boiling over in the skull of this big guy built on heat and sand. Everything is in turmoil at this precise moment, in this Montpellier car park where he has parked because the mobile phone he had installed in his car won’t stop ringing. Gérard is 26 years old and has had a solid career with RC Narbonne, which may no longer be the great club of the Spanghero years, but has still won three consecutive Yves du Manoir challenges. He has also taken up his father’s trade as a wine broker and winemaker. The Radiocom 2000, the national symbol of modern telephony, is still ringing its shrill bell. Gérard waits a little longer before picking up. He wants to let the excitement die down.
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Photo Leif Carlsson
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